Not only is the latest Need for Speed miles ahead of
the last NFS game, but it approaches (and dare I say
surpasses?), the best of the consoles in terms of sheer
fun and speed.
Relesing Date Release Date: Sep 30, 1998
First Review
don't usually play racing games on the PC. Either they're pale imitations of the arcade and console racers, or they're boring 50-lap simulations. I mean, why play Need for Speed II and Test Drive 4 on the PC when I can play Super GT in the arcade and Gran Turismo on the PlayStation? For ages, I told friends that the PC had nothing on the arcade, even venerable classics like Daytona and Sega Rally. Well, I think I'm going to be eating crow for the next few weeks... and loving it. Not only is the latest Need for Speed miles ahead of the last NFS game, but it approaches (and dare I say surpasses?), the best of the consoles in terms of sheer fun and speed.
Need for Speed III is a great game. It has an exhilarating sense of speed, clean and beautiful graphics, polished production values, and trackloads of unadulterated fun. In many ways, Need for Speed III has that same addictive quality I found in Quake II, Starcraft, and Heroes of Might and Magic. That's pretty celebrated company, but I don't think it's an unfounded categorization. Need for Speed III has that same "just one more turn or just one more deathmatch" quality that the other games have. And just like in those games, the action in Need for Speed III is so engrossing and rewarding that the next time you come up for air, you'll find that two hours have whizzed by.
While Need for Speed III shares an addictive quality with those games, it has something of its own: pure speed. This game is fast and fun. The frame rate is fast and incredibly clean. I've played my fair share of PC and console racers where the pop-up was horrible, as cliffs and buildings would suddenly appear out of thin air, many seconds after you should have seen them on the horizon. Whether it's the smart track design or the beautiful engine, the bottom line is that I only saw one or two instances of minor pop-up. And multiplayer is as fast and fun as the single-player experience. The sound of your revving engine and the fast frame rate both combined to create the illusion of breakneck speeds, although the replays didn't look quite as fast I would have liked.
Aside from the speed and addictive quality, Need for Speed III has the requisite list of features that marketers like to put on boxes, journalists like to list, and consumers always look for. There are many cars, with subtle differences, and the ability to tweak more than a few car qualities, such as steering speed, aerodynamics, and suspension. And, surprisingly, the tweaks will affect your car noticeably.
In classic Need for Speed fashion, there are more than a dozen supercars to race, including several bonus cars that open up with sustained excellent race results or cheat codes. The range of cars is a fascinating gallery of every car enthusiast's dream vehicles: Corvettes, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches, Jaguars, Mercedes, and an Italdesign prototype car. There are also roughly ten tracks, including the bonus track, encompassing several different environments and difficulty levels. You'll race through a canyon, snowy mountain caps, urban utopia, and forests. You can race during nighttime and in rain to add further to the track variety. Visibility takes a huge hit in either condition, making races on the harder courses incredibly treacherous. Unfortunately, I didn't experience any noticeable difference in driving under rain; the road didn't appear any slicker and handling was pretty much consistent with perfect weapon. If there was a difference, it was too subtle for me to notice.
The single-player game modes include a single race, knockoff (where you eliminate the last place of each race), tournament (where you race through the entire circuit for points), and hot pursuit. Hot pursuit is EA's answer to all the critics who lamented the loss of the cops in Need for Speed II. You aren't only trying to outrace an opponent, but also escape the pursuing cops. Three tickets, and you're out. Or alternatively, you can play the cop in pursuit. The radio chatter alerting you to the cops' presence and their strategies (pursuit or roadblock) are nice touches.
The graphics in the game are pretty amazing. The reflection on the cars is outstanding, as is the rain, and the leaves and dust that follow in your wake. The lighting is especially impressive during the night and rain races. Best of all, everything, including the up to seven competitors, animating background objects, and your rearview mirror, can be packed on screen with barely a hint of a performance hit (OK, sometimes, it will slow down slightly, but not by much). The production values on the track briefings and the car gallery are also first-rate.
There are a few problems. For one, the dashboard doesn't light up at night, and there are no windshield wipers at your disposal during rain. It's disappointing that there's no damage to your cars. I understand that none of the car companies want to see their poor little vehicles hurt in this game, but what's the excuse for not being able to dent the nonsupercars you crash into? And unlike in the latest Sega arcade racers, the cars in Need for Speed III, while maintaining an effective illusion of high-speed driving, sometimes appear too much like they are gliding on the road rather than actually driving and hugging the road. And why not just open all the regular cars (not the bonus cars) in hot pursuit, knockoff, and tournament mode? Still, it's a testament to the game's addictive fun factor that when I was racing, none of these shortcomings ever bothered me. While the arcades still have the edge in racing games, Need for Speed III goes a long way toward giving PC gamers a real taste of exhilarating arcade speed and action.
::::::::::::End Of Review::::::::::::
Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit Easter Eggs
Titanic ship in Aquatica! When racing in Aquatica in Forward Direction, there is a dark seaside area close to the hairpin turn known as the "Orchard Hairpin". If you stop your car here and keep observing the ocean, you will find the Titanic ship sailing across the ocean after regular intervals of time.
Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit FAQs & Walk-Throughs
* * * Awaiting a friendly ASCII Art...
[ Game ] - Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit
[ Console ] - Playstation
[ Version ] - 1.3
[ Type ] - FAQ/Walkthrough
[ Author ] - Chris Wasnetsk(scurty234)
[ E-Mail ] - chriswasnetsky205@msn.com
[ Last Updated ] - 2-04-03
E-Mail Policy
I will take E-Mails under the following conditions:
o Be Polite o Ask intelligent questions
o Have "Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit" in the subject
This guide will help you to complete this game. Keep in mind that I did notplay the other NFS games. Any E-Mails concerning them will be instantlydeleted. I made this FAQ because there was only one other FAQ for this game atGameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/). And what do you know I already got ahollow blue circle :). Anyway let's get to the guide.
Table of Contents
I.-> Version History
II.-> Controls
III.-> Game Type
One Player
Two Player
IV.-> Race Modes
Single Race
Hot Pursuit
V.-> Style
VI.-> Skill Level
VII.-> Tracks
Redrock Ridge
Rocky Pass
Country Woods
Lost Canyons
The Summit
Empire City
VIII.-> Opponents
IX.-> Cars
Ferrari 355 F1
Chevrolet Corvette
Lamborghini Coutach
Italdesign Nazca C2
Ferrari 550 Maranello
Lamborghini Diablo SV
Jaguar XJR-15
Mercedes CLK-GTR
El Nino
X.-> Top Speed
Ferrari 355 F1
Chevrolet Corvette
Lamborghini Coutach
Italdesign Nazca C2
Ferrari 550 Maranello
Lamborghini Diablo SV
Jaguar XJR-15
Mercedes CLK-GTR
El Nino
XI.-> Track Records
XII.-> Codes
XIII.-> Secret Tracks
XIV.-> Tricks/Tips
XV.-> Gameshark Codes
XVI.-> Copyright
XVIII.-> Author's Note
Version History
.1 - First Release Adding everything but gameshark codes.
.2 - Updated Added GS codes and a trick/tip
.3 - Updated Tested gameshark codes and all work! Also Neoseeker wants my FAQ.
.4 - Updated Removed bad code. Still wondering if Gamewinners wants this.
.5 - Updated Put the points for the tournament in(I was so dumb, forgetting those...). .
.6 - Updated Psxcodez wanted this FAQ. .
.7 - Updated Added a "Top Speed"
section for those of you who want to know the top speed for all the cars.
Major formating correction.
Final - Added Track Records section. This will be the last version. Don't
E-Mail me anymore. Added ASCII Art. Changed font size. Best viewed in Courier New 10.
Final - I let IGN post my FAQs from now on.
Final - I changed the format to look better.
1.3 - From now on, I will NEVER mark another guide final. Too many things are always wrong. Well, I basically reformatted the enitire guide from scratch. It took many hours, so I hope this format looks better than the previous ones.
Menu - Up & Down on D-Pad : Move Highlight
Left & Right on D-Pad: Change Selection
Triangle : Previous Screen
X Button : Choose Selection
Circle : Bring up Menu Control screen
Start Button : Advance to next screen
Racing - Start Button: Pause
X Button : Accelerate
Square : Brake; Reverse
Triangle : Change Views
Circle : Handbrake
L1 : Regenerate Car
L2 : Look behind
R1 : Shift Up
R2 : Shift Down
D-Pad : Steer
D-Pad Up : Horn; Highbeams
Game Type
One Player
It lets you race in any race mode. Two Players
It lets you race against a friend on Single Race, Hot Pursuit, Tournament,
or Knockout.
Race ModesSingle Race
It lets you race on any track that you've unlocked.
You can choose how many laps you want,
direction forward or backward, mirrored on or off, night
on or off, and weather.
Hot Pursuit
It lets you race against the CPU plus there are cops.
Depending how long you run from the cops you
can get a warning, fined, or arrested.
Cops will try anything to try to stop you with pulling you over
, making roadblocks, or laying spikestrips!
NOTE: The Ferrari 355 F1 & the Ferrari Marranello aren't
available in this mode :(. Tournament
Unlock all tracks (Except Empire City) by completing this mode.
These are the points you get for finishing the race:
1st :8
2nd :7
3rd :6
4th :5
5th :4
6th :3
7th :2
8th :1
Come in first after completing the whole tournament to get these cars: Begginer: Jaguar XJR-15 Expert : Mercedes CLK-GTR
You must place in the top 3 to proceed with the tournament. If you place 4th or lower you lose the tournament. NOTE: The restart button is not available during tournament mode.
Unlock Empire City and El Nino. As long as you don't come in last for every race you'll do just fine. Beat all opponents during this mode to unlock: beginner: Empire City Expert : El Nino
After each race the last player will be eliminated from Knockout. NOTE: You cannot use the restart button in this mode.
Practice -------- Just made for you to practice on tracks you've unlocked. You have the option of:
Ghost car - An invisible car to show the exact same route of you're best lap. Also shows your speed that you raced that lap with.
Braking Assist -The PS2 automatically slows you down around corners.
Traction Assist - Won't make tire marks from burnouts.
Best Line - Shows you the fastest way to beat a course when following these (They don't go into shortcuts).
Tutor - A man tells you when turns are coming up plus an arrow that will tell you how sharp a turn is.
Arcade ------
Easier of the two. Lets you have better control over the road than in Simulation. When you hit cars or other obstacles you just spring back up on the road again.
Harder of the two. You'll have to set up your car to suit its needs on certain courses
Skill Level
Beginner -------- CPU players are slower than in expert mode. I use this mode to train when I play it. This is usually the first mode you will play in Tournament, Knockout, or Hot Pursuit. Expert ------ CPU players are tough. This mode is basically used for earning cars and tracks or just having fun. CPU players also drive more aggressive and with better driving skills.
Length - 3.6 Miles The easiest course in the game. The only hard part of it is the 90 degree turn a little past halfway of the track. Besides that, it's a fast course that I love :). NOTE: Going backwards on this track near the end is a jump that will send you flying.
Redrock Ridge
------------- Length - 5.4 Miles Easy once you know what it's like. After the first two main turns,in the beginning is a long curvy straightaway with rocks in the middle. Be careful, if you hit these rocks it could cost you. After that there's a 180 degree turn. After that go ahead for a little bit and you'll come across a place where police hide in Hot Pursuit mode. Then the rest is open desert, then a tunnel, then you go under a train track.
Atlantica ---------
Length - 4.9 Miles This is a fast course. About half of it is slightly curved. At about halfway through you make a sudden 180 degree turn then another down the way. It's an easy course once you know it.
Rocky Pass ----------
Length - 5.5 Miles The name says it all. This course goes up, down, and through mountains. Near the end you'll come to an S-curved road. Power sliding works here to keep an extra 10 secs. or so. At the end you'll come near a town.
Country Woods -------------
Length - 5.2 Miles There are about seven 180 degree turns which makes this course very hard. At first it's nothing until you meet your first two very wide curves. After that watch out for a jump that sends you flying into a wall. Then there's five 90 degree turns. Then another four wide 180 degree curves. After that there's a 90 degree turn. Finally, after that, there's just a speedy, curvy road to the finish.
Lost Canyons
There are 7 opponents which you race against in Tournament, Knockout, Single Race, and Hot Pursuit. Ice - He usually comes in first of the seven. He occasionally comes in second or third out of the seven.
Bullit - He usually comes in second out of the seven. He occasionally comes in first or third out of the seven.
Blazin - He usually comes in third out of the seven. He occasionally comes in second or fourth out of the seven.
Terror - He usually comes in fourth out of the seven. He occasionally
comes in third or fifth out of the seven.
Swerve - He usually comes in fifth out of the seven. He occasionally
comes in fourth or sixth out of the seven.
Tad - He usually comes in sixth out of the seven. He occasionally comes
in fifth or seventh out of the seven.
Karkas - He usually comes in seventh out of the seven. He occasionally
comes in seventh out of the seven.
Length - 6.3 Miles This course IS one of the hardest in this game. There is NO straight away in this course. The easiest parts are the ones found in Redrock Ridge. Other than that everything else is curves, curves, and even more curves! Near the end is a three lane. The best I can help you with that is pick the middle lane.
Length - 5.3 Miles Easy in the beginning and end, hard in the middle. That's what I have to say about this course. At the beginning you'll come across a 270 degree turn, which isn't hard. Then comes the hard part, going through a series of curves. Throughout the whole middle you'll be going through series of curves. At the end it's a long, easy, slightly curved straight-a-way to the finish.
The Summit
Length - 6.4 Miles Once again, the name says it all. This course is at the top of a mountain. This course is slightly hard in the beginning. As the course goes on though it gets tougher. Near halfway you'll come to a long, curvy straight-a-way. After that there's two tight 180 degree turns then two wide 180 degree turns. After that, it's just crazy.
Empire City
Length - 4.6 Miles This is my favorite course, and it's a bonus course:). At the beginning are two 180 degree turns then a 270 degree turn. After that you go up a hill then into a two lane straight-a-way. During this straight-a-way, there are pillars that can cost you the race. After that there are three 90 degree turns. Finally, after that there's another one of those long straight-a-ways with pillars. Shortly after, you're
Ratings of 1-16 in each category.
1.>Ferrari 355 F1
Acceleration: 9 Top Speed :10
Braking :10 Handling :10
Overall :10
2.>Chevorlet Corvette
Acceleration: 8 Top Speed : 8
Braking :12
Handling : 9
Overall : 9
3.>Lamborghini Coutach
Acceleration: 9
Top Speed :10
Braking : 8
Handling : 8
Overall : 9
4.>Italdesign Nazca C2
Top Speed :12
Braking :12
Handling : 9
Overall :11
5.> Ferrari 550 Maranello
Top Speed :13
Braking :11
Handling :11
Overall :11
6.>Lamborghini Diablo SV
Top Speed :16
Braking :10
Handling : 9
Overall :12
7.> Jaguar XJR-15
Top Speed :11
Braking :16
Handling :16
Overall :14
8.> Mercedes CLK-GTR
Top Speed :13
Braking :14
Handling :13
Overall :14
9.> El Nino
Top Speed :16
Braking :16
Handling :16
Overall :16