A few weeks ago, Electronic Arts released three versions of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit II simultaneously. This sequel to the 1998 arcade-style driving game was made available for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube, but interestingly enough, not all three games were identical. While the PS2 version, which was developed by Black Box, is a wholly satisfying racing game with great graphics and a visceral sense of speed, the Xbox and GameCube versions of Hot Pursuit II are noticeably tamer in terms of control, graphics, and sound. That's because those two versions of the game were developed by a completely different company, EA Seattle, in order to ship on time alongside Hot Pursuit II for the PlayStation 2, which Electronic Arts considers to be the primary version of the game. Unfortunately for PC game players, EA didn't port the superior PS2 version of Hot Pursuit II to the PC. Instead, PC owners get a port of the less spectacular GameCube and Xbox versions of Hot Pursuit II. That's not to say that Hot Pursuit II for the PC is bad. It certainly is a good arcade-style driving game, but it's nowhere near as fun as the PlayStation 2 version.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit II is not a driving simulator. It's not Grand Prix 4, and it doesn't set out to be. This game is all about arcade-style racing, where car-handling

As its name implies, Hot Pursuit II largely focuses on the art of outrunning the law. Actually, Hot Pursuit II is like two games in one. Unlike other racing games, this one has two equally large championship modes, only one of which involves the police. Called "hot pursuit," this career mode is composed of 33 individual racing events that force you to beat a number of opponents, while contending with the police, through a handful of different race types. In contrast, World Championship mode is laid out in a branching manner, and in this mode, you're required to successfully finish one race before unlocking the next. As you'd expect, your opponents will get tougher, your goals harder to achieve, and the police less forgiving as you progress through this tree. The police will come after you if you break the speed limit, and since you must cross the finish line before your opponents do, you'll be breaking that limit constantly. At first, the cops will just send a couple of Crown Victorias after you, but if you refuse to pull over, they'll pull out all the stops to bust you. Much like in Grand Theft Auto III, the number of cops that are thrown at you is measured by the number of stars in the center of the screen. When this meter is full, the police will place barricades and spike strips on the roads, they'll chase you with faster cars, and they'll even call in a helicopter that drops, of all things, explosive barrels in front of you. If the police manage to pull you over just once in a given race (you get three strikes in the PS2 version), you'll have to start all over.
However, that sounds more foreboding than it really is. Hot Pursuit II starts off relatively easy: You'll be driving "low-end" cars like the Lotus Elise and Opel Speedster, as will your competition, and the cops will go easy on you for the most part. As you work your way through the 33 missions, the competition will gradually get stiffer, but never to the point of being frustrating. The other cars are ruthless--they'll take every opportunity to give your rear bumper a not-so-friendly tap, though they themselves are by no means perfect. You'll often see other racers plow into oncoming traffic or miscalculate a turn and ricochet off a wall or guardrail. You'll do that too, especially with some of the faster cars. While the physics in the game are by no means realistic, the cars' performances are still reflective of their real-world counterparts, although in a much exaggerated manner. The Ferrari F50, for instance, has a loose back end, making it harder to control around corners than the tamer BMW M5. Still, you can pretty much go through every race without ever taking your thumb off the gas button, though judicious use of your hand brake makes cornering a lot easier.
It's perhaps a little strange that you're not rewarded for driving wildly in the PC version of Hot Pursuit II, like you are in the PS2 game. In fact, the points system in this versio

The game's second career mode is called world championship, and it's structured

Hot Pursuit II's physics aren't exactly realistic.
As is to be expected, the cars control in an exaggerated manner compared to their real-world counterparts. It's easy to make the vehicles in the game lose traction, but it's just as easy to get it back by using a little bit of countersteering. It should be noted that Hot Pursuit II lacks the extreme handling setting found in the PS2 version of the game. This exaggerates the handling characteristics of the cars even further and makes for a very visceral racing experience. The PC version also lacks the precise controls of its PlayStation 2 cousin. You'll notice a slight delay between your control inputs and your car's reaction. Additionally, the cars feel floaty, as if they're disconnected from the road--even the light and nimble Lotus Elise will lean over wildly in turns, and heavier cars sway back and forth almost like boats.
Hot Pursuit II gives you four different perspectives to play from--three from the third-person and one from the first--and all of these relay a fair sense of speed, though nowhere near as fast as the PS2 version. The car models also aren't as detailed as those in Hot Pursuit II for the PlayStation 2--they lack the overall polygon count and their lighting isn't as well done, nor do they take any visible signs of damage. What's more, the tracks themselves look a little bit fuzzy, and the textures seem somewhat washed out when compared to the PS2 game. Otherwise, Hot Pursuit II for the PC doesn't look bad at all, especially on the higher resolutions afforded by PC hardware. Scrape a wall, and you'll see bright sparks bounce off your car. Lay into the gas pedal, and you'll leave a pair of thick rubber tracks that will remain on the track surface for the duration of the race. And while you won't see the glare of the sun off the pavement as you would in racing games like F1 2002, the lighting is impressive nonetheless. Water on the track will reflect its surroundings, and localized fog from volcanoes and forest fires is evident throughout the game. However, these effects do come at a price. Hot Pursuit II doesn't run at the same frame rate as its PS2 cousin, and while there's no visible sign of slowdown, the overall frame rate definitely isn't optimal.
Hot Pursuit II's sound is on par with the rest of the game. Each car in the game sounds different from the others, with different engine noises and exhaust notes, though they all seem to be very high pitched and much whinier than you'd expect them to be. The voices for the cops are more subdued than in the PlayStation 2 version, and there's not as much dialogue between police officers and the dispatcher, either. However, the game's soundtrack is very well done. Hot Pursuit II features about a dozen licensed songs that range from the likes of Bush to Uncle Kracker. As eclectic a collection as this is, the songs in the game all have a hard edge to them, and they complement Hot Pursuit II's fast pace nicely. Interestingly, in races that involve cops, the songs that are played in the background are strictly instrumental versions of the originals, so as not to interfere with the chatter of the cops.
It's somewhat disappointing and certainly confusing to see such a stark difference between Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit II for the PC and the PlayStation 2. The latter game is easily one of the best games in the series, whereas the sluggish controls, floaty cars, and average graphics of the former game make it simply passable. To be clear, Hot Pursuit II for the PC is still a good game with very competent execution of its general gameplay mechanics. In fact, with 66 different missions, a multiplayer mode that features the infamous Need for Speed "pack," and a good selection of licensed cars, Hot Pursuit II is a worthwhile purchase for anyone interested in an arcade-style racing game. It's not nearly as impressive as the PlayStation 2 game, but it does mark the return of the Need for Speed series on the PC after a three-year absence, which has to count for something.
Priview Posted By Vineet Dwivedi.....
News of Hot Pursuit.....
1. PC Need for Speed goes gold
The PC version of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is expected in stores soon, and there's a playable demo in the meantime.
News Posted By Vineet Dwivedi-20-02-2008.
2.Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 goes gold
EA announces that the console version of its racing game will be
in stores early next month, with the PC version following shortly
News Posted By Vineet Dwivedi 20-02-08.
3.E3 2002Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 impressions
We take a hands-on look at EA's upcoming racing sequel.
PREVIEW - Posted BY Vineet Dwivedi 20-02-08.
4.E3 2002: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 screenshots
Electronic Arts has released new shots of the
PC version of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2.
News Posted by Vineet dwivedi5.E3 2002: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 screenshots
Electronic Arts has released new
shots of the PC version of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2.
News Posted By Vineet Dwivedi. 20-02-2008
6.New Need for Speed announced
The latest entry in EA's racing series is coming to more than just the
PlayStation 2.
News Posted By Vineet Dwivedi.
We take a hands-on look at EA's upcoming racing sequel.
We got a hands-on look at Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 on the show floor at E3. The game will be the sequel to EA's excellent 1998 racing game, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. Hot Pursuit 2 will be a fast-paced racing game, which, just like the original, favors exciting, high-speed races and chases over exacting detail and extremely realistic physics. The sequel will let players get behind the wheel of one of 24 licensed cars, including the Need for Speed series' favorites, the Porsche and the Ferrari. Hot Pursuit 2 will have a total of 12 tracks, located in four different locales.
We took a test drive on a track in the tropics locale. The build of the game we saw was an early pre-alpha version, about 25 percent complete, so a few things seemed a bit rough around the edges. The cars themselves handled a bit loosely and also tended to drift a bit excessively on sharp turns, but for a game that's both an arcade racer and a pre-alpha build, that's to be expected. Hot Pursuit 2 didn't seem to have incredibly detailed environments, but then, the idea of the game is to focus on your own car and the cars in front of and behind you.
Hot Pursuit 2 will have three play modes: the original hot pursuit mode, a championship racing mode, and a top cop racing mode. Hot pursuit mode will be mission-based, just like the original, and you'll need to win races and accomplish other goals without getting caught by the cops, who, just like before, will pursue you and attempt to surround your car and hedge you in. In the demo, each time we were caught, the driver would hop out of his car, surrounded by policemen, and attempt to flee. The final version of the game will actually let players escape from the police on foot by running. Interestingly, there will be a tug-of-war represented by an onscreen meter: If the player's character is close to a police officer, the player will get weaker, but if the player manages to get a good lead on the cop, the cop will grow weaker. Championship mode will be a standard racing tournament, and top cop mode will actually let players play through missions as a cop trying to bust other joyriders.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is scheduled for release this fall.
EA has announced that the PC version of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 has gone gold and will ship to stores on October 21. Yesterday, EA released a 91MB demo of the game. GameSpot Complete members can download the file from the link, and it's also available on the official Need for Speed Web site.
Hot Pursuit 2 includes licensed high-performance cars from the likes of Porsche, Ferrari, and Lamborghini. There are a number of variations of the game's 12 tracks, as well as two career trees. The PC version of the game includes LAN or Internet multiplayer support for up to eight players. For more details, check out our previous coverage of the game.
Post Details Posted By Vineet Dwivedi.
We take a hands-on look at EA's upcoming racing sequel.
We got a hands-on look at Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 on the show floor at E3. The game will be the sequel to EA's excellent 1998 racing game, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. Hot Pursuit 2 will be a fast-paced racing game, which, just like the original, favors exciting, high-speed races and chases over exacting detail and extremely realistic physics. The sequel will let players get behind the wheel of one of 24 licensed cars, including the Need for Speed series' favorites, the Porsche and the Ferrari. Hot Pursuit 2 will have a total of 12 tracks, located in four different locales.
We took a test drive on a track in the tropics locale. The build of the game we saw was an early pre-alpha version, about 25 percent complete, so a few things seemed a bit rough around the edges. The cars themselves handled a bit loosely and also tended to drift a bit excessively on sharp turns, but for a game that's both an arcade racer and a pre-alpha build, that's to be expected. Hot Pursuit 2 didn't seem to have incredibly detailed environments, but then, the idea of the game is to focus on your own car and the cars in front of and behind you.
Hot Pursuit 2 will have three play modes: the original hot pursuit mode, a championship racing mode, and a top cop racing mode. Hot pursuit mode will be mission-based, just like the original, and you'll need to win races and accomplish other goals without getting caught by the cops, who, just like before, will pursue you and attempt to surround your car and hedge you in. In the demo, each time we were caught, the driver would hop out of his car, surrounded by policemen, and attempt to flee. The final version of the game will actually let players escape from the police on foot by running. Interestingly, there will be a tug-of-war represented by an onscreen meter: If the player's character is close to a police officer, the player will get weaker, but if the player manages to get a good lead on the cop, the cop will grow weaker. Championship mode will be a standard racing tournament, and top cop mode will actually let players play through missions as a cop trying to bust other joyriders.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is scheduled for release this fall.
Previwe Details Posted By Vineet Dwivedi....
Cheats Code Of Nfs Hot Pursuit......
1. +minfront<------Cheat
Enables main menu <----Effect
2. +noparticles <-----Cheat
Disable particle effects <----Effect
3. +nomipmap <----Cheat
Disable mipmapping <----Effect
4. +nofrontend<-----Cheat
Disable on screen display <------Effect
5. +noreverb <----Cheat
Disable reverberation <-----Effect
6. +nosnd <----Cheat
Disable sound effects<----effcet
7. +nomusic<---Cheat
Disable music <----effct
8. +nomovie <----Cheat
Disable movies <----effct
9. +nofrustration<---Cheat
Disable confirmations <----effct
10. +helicoptersOnly<--Cheat
Only police helicopters <----Effect
11. +ghost <----Cheat
Invisible to others <---Effect
12. +screenshots <----Cheat
Enables screenshots <---Effect
Unlocks all events<-----Effect
::::::>>>>>End Of Cheats<<<<<::::::
Cheats Post by Vineet dwivedi
Unblocks And How To Unblock
1. Porsche 911 Turbo<----Unlock
Earn 800,000 points <----How to Unlock
2. Mercedes CLK GTR<---Unlock
Earn 4,500,000 points<---How To Unlock
3. McLaren F1 LM<---Unlock
Earn 5,000,000 points OR Win the World Championships<---How to Unlock
4. McLaren F1<----Unlock
Earn 4,000,000 points <----How To Unlock
5. Lamborghini Murcielago<---Unlock
Earn 3,000,000 points<----How To Unlock
6. Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 VT<---Unlock
Earn 2,500,000 points<---Unlock
7. Ferrari F50 <----Unlock
Lead any race for 8 laps on full grid, advanced <----How To Unlock
8. Dodge Viper GTS<---Unlock
9. Porsche Carrera GT <----Unlock
Earn 3,500,000 points<--- How To Unlock
10. Ford Crown Victoria<----Unlock
Complete Hot Pursuit Event 5<----How To Unlock
11. Vauxhall VX220<---Unlock
Lead any race until completion any mode <---How To Unlock
Secrets Of Nfs: Hot Pursuit
Instant tune up for any car: -
As well as the ''changing the mass'' cheat, there is also this easy cheat that works along similar lines. Go to the cars folder in the installation directory. Open the folder of a powerful car, like the F1, F50 etc. Copy the CAR.INI file from here and paste it over the original CAR.INI file of a slower car in its own folder, eg the Elise. This instantly gives that car the speed and handling characteristics of the F1/F50 etc. Rememeber to make a copy of the original CAR.INI file if you want to revert it back to standard afterwoods._______________________
Buy all cars for $10
buy all cars for $10, use Notepad to open the ''cars.ini'' file in your Cars folder and make the following modifications: price=10 nfsprice=10
Change Price of Tracks
To change the price of the tracks, open up the
''tracks.ini'' file in the Tracks folder and edit all lines starting with
''m_price'' like so: m_price[0]=10
Fast Moving Cop Cars
Open the cars directory. In each of the sub-directories,
open the car_cop.ini file. Change the mass to either
100.0 or 100.00 . Save the file.
*Remember if you want to revert to the original settings for the car,
keep a backup copy of the original car_cop.ini file.
Get the tracks fast
1-Go to ''tracks'' sub-folder in the game directory.
2-Use text editor to edit the ''tracks.ini'' file.
3-Change the values in ''m_price[0]=0'' to m_price[0]=*''
4-Do the same with '
'm_price[1]=1000'', ''m_price[2]=1000'', m_price[3]=1000.
5-Save the file. Now you can get all tracks for the
$ that you set! * is the number that you set, it can be any number.
*Create a backup copy of the files before doing eneything!!!!
Use helicopter, roadblocks, and
backup more than three times .
Here's what you do?
A) Goto your Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 directory
B) Goto the AI directory
C) Double click on the file AIChaseDefs.ini
D) Go down to where it says SingleRaceSupportMax
E) Change the number after the equal sign to 100
F) Go down to where it says #startPursuitLevel
G) Change the number after the equal sign to 100
H) Go down to where it says #startPursuitStrategy
I) Change the number after the equal sign to 100
J) Go down to where it says #freezeCops
K) Change the number after the equal sign to 100