Bio Of This Game....
When Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was first announced three years ago, it seemed like a decent enough idea. The definitive first-person shooter mod was at the height of its popularity, so having a single-player game based on the winning formula sounded like a good way to win a new following and perhaps entice even more people to venture online. However, those who have been reading up on the game over the years know that development has been a bumpy ride. The duty of making Condition Zero has practically been passed around more than the collection basket at Easter Mass. What started internally at Valve Software quickly moved to Gearbox, then to Ritual Entertainment, and finally over to Turtle Rock Studios. Given such an unusual development path, Condition Zero is surprisingly enjoyable, thanks mostly to some remarkable artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, the game will be remembered as a victim of its own delays. While the core gameplay is timeless, Condition Zero's release is overshadowed by no fewer than three technologically advanced, highly anticipated shooters, which all cast a harsh light on what is essentially a 6-year-old game--albeit a classic one.
The campaign is divided into six "tours of duty," each of which consists of three maps, thus offering you a total of 18 maps for gameplay. Most of the maps are drawn from Counter-Strike's classic collection, so veterans will be familiar with classics such as Dust, Aztec, and Italy. Some of the maps have been tweaked greatly, however. For example, Militia is now vastly different from the map longtime CS players are familiar with. The above-land approach from the counterterrorist spawn area to the house has been shortened and adorned with additional rocks to hide behind, thus making life more difficult for terrorist snipers. A handful of new maps have also been included, like Stadium, a multilevel demolitions map that features a lot of narrow hallways and stairwells. Fastline should also be new to PC players, since it was borrowed from the Xbox version of Counter-Strike. It's a very small bombing map, set in a Tokyo subway, that encourages quick rounds and a frenetic pace.

Beating each map requires you to win at least three rounds against the terrorists, and you must be ahead of the terrorists by at least two successive wins while also completing a number of special challenges. These challenges usually involve getting a certain total number of kills, getting kills with a specific weapon, rescuing hostages, and/or winning a round under a certain amount of time. You don't have to complete all these challenges within the three rounds, so if you're beating the terrorists 3-1 and still have a challenge left unfulfilled, the match will continue until you've satisfied all the requirements.
The challenges vary with the difficulty level, as does the rate at which the terrorist team ramps up in skill and number. At the easiest difficulty level, you'll have few prerequisites, and the ones that are there are simple to accomplish. At the expert difficulty level, however, you'll be asked to perform some particularly tough feats, such as getting a knife kill and surviving the same round. For veterans of CS, the normal difficulty level won't be much of a challenge, but the two higher difficulty levels offer some pretty decent challenges, thanks to the surprisingly good bot AI.

The bots aren't infallible, though. Occasionally you'll spot one getting hung up temporarily on some geometry. We've also seen the terrorist bots abandon planted bombs, thus allowing CTs to sneak in and defuse them without a fight. To be fair, we've also seen many human players make the same boneheaded mistakes over the years. Overall, the bots are remarkably human--and varied--in their behaviors. Some teammates will respond to your commands, while others insist on forging their own paths, which isn't terribly different from human teammates either. It's too bad there's no way to play as the terrorist side on these maps, but assuming you're willing to retry the game on higher difficulty settings after beating it on normal, there's decent value here.
Adding to the game's aesthetic significance is the fact that a special "deleted scenes" mode has been included. These deleted scenes actually comprised the single-player campaign that Ritual was working on before game development was handed off to Turtle Rock. While the 12 missions here are pretty fleshed-out--with scripted sequences and dense amounts of action--the deleted scenes, as a whole, feel like clichés. To anyone who's played shooters for years, the deleted scenes seem like flashbacks to the shooters of 1999 and 2000, so you'll immediately know why Ritual's project was canceled. While it's nice to have this extra content, your decision on whether to buy Condition Zero shouldn't hinge on it.

The highlight of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is clearly the bot AI. The bot behavior, while not perfect, is remarkably lifelike. And at the higher difficulty settings, it will provide at least a decent challenge for most shooter fans. Unfortunately, you're limited to playing as the counterterrorist side in the tour of duty campaign. While some maps have been prettied up a bit, the graphics are still basically the same as ever, which is to say, they're dated. At least the sound has held up well and is still great. In the end, Condition Zero is a product that will appeal most to those players who haven't tried CS yet (and how many of them are there?), those who don't want to deal with the hassles of playing the game online, and those who just want to have some offline practice. For those of you who are already playing Counter-Strike online (let alone finished with playing Counter-Strike online), there isn't much reason for you to own Condition Zero, because it's basically the same thing you're already playing.
Release Date: Mar 23, 2004
Game Information
Connectivity : Online
Offline Modes : Competitive, Team Oriented
Number of Players : 1-32
DirectX Version : v7.0
Minimum System Requirement....
System : Pentium III 500 MHz or equivalent
RAM : 96 MB
Video Memory : 16 MB
Hard Drive Space : 500 MB
Other : Win-Compatible Sound Card
Recommended System Requirement
System : Pentium III 800 MHz or equivalent
RAM :128 MB
Video Memory :32 MB
Technical Support...
Hint And Cheats...
Cheats Effect
bot_kill Kills all bots allowing you to win if the bomb is not
planted .
restart to restart the map without losing any goals.
cl_levellocks 16382 Bring down the All Deleted Scenes.
sv_cheats 1 Enables cheats
god Invincibility
noclip go through walls
notarget enemies do not see you
bot_zombie 1 make them just stand there
bot_pistols_only the bots will only buy pistols
bot_sniper_only bots only buy snipers
bot_goto_mark #number make the bot go to specific places
bot_difficulty set the bot´s difficulty level
bot_knives_only Bots only use knives
Fly enables you to fly
sv_gravity if u like Defult Gravity is 800. Ex(sv_grevity100.)
mp_c4timer # Replace "3" with a number to change
theC4 timer. Deaf. is 45.
mp_friendlyfire # Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to change Friendly Fire. 1=On 0=Off.
mp_startmoney # Replace "#" with a number to change the starting money. Deaf is 800.
career_end_round Ends the round, and you lose.
career_restart Restarts your the round.
bot_zombie # Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to make the bots stay still or move. 1=Moving 0=Non-Moving.
bot_difficulty Set the BOTS difficulties.
bot_knives_only 1# Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to make the bots only use knvies. 1=Only Knives 0=Not just knives. Deaf is 0.v
Instant Max Money
bot_stop 1 Makes the bot's stand still.
bot_allow_rogues 0 Dissables rogue bots, they will all follow your commands.
bot_defer_to_human 0 The bots will not wait for you to rescue hostages, plant or defuse the bomb.
mp_startmoney 16000 Gives you the highest ammount of money you can have.
jointeam 6 ; jointeam 1 Revive as a Terrorist
jointeam 6 ; jointeam 2 Revive as a Counter-Terrorist
Short cuts in C Z and all guns name..
Buying Short Cut
First Guns Name.
1. 19x19mmside arm
2. km 45 tactical.
4.night hawk.50c
5.es five seven
some chang in terrorist
1st 2nd 3rd 4th same
5th is dual elities
secound in Short guns
1.leone gauge super
2. lone YG1265 Auto sh.
Smg guns.
1.Schmidt Machine pist
2.Km Sub-machine gun
4.Es c90
2.Shmidt scout.
3.Mavrick m4A1 Carbine
Their is Some Change in terrorist...
1.IDF deffender
2. Cv-47
3.Shmidt scout.
5. Magunam Sniper Riffle.
6. Auto Sniper.
Mchin gun.
1.machin gun.
Some Equiptments.
Short Cut of C Z.
For Pistol : - B-1,1,2,3,4,5 Their 5 pistol choose any one
For Short Gun : -B-2, 1,2, Their is 2 short gun choose any one .
For Smg : - B-3 1,2,3,4 choose any one
for Reffile : - B-41,2,3,4,5 Choose any one
For Machin Gun B-5-1
Primery Amo-B-6
Secoundry AmoB-7
And Some Equiptments
Short is "o" 1-to kevlar
2.to kevlar and helmet
3 to flash bang
5.smoke grenade .
6.defusing kit
7.night vision.
Photo's of C z Condition Zero.

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Vineet Dwivedi