Vineet Dwivedi.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Windows Xp Trick And Tips
(1). How to make your Desktop Icons TransparentGo to control Panel > System, > Advanced > Performance area > Settings button Visual Effects tab "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop"
(10). To change drive lettersTo change drive letters (useful if you have two drives and have partitioned the boot drive, but the secondary drive shows up as "D")Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management, Disk Management, then right-click the partition whose name you want to change (click in the white area just below the word "Volume") and select "change drive letter and paths." From here you can add, remove or change drive letters and paths to the partition.
Windows Xp Trick And Tips-2
Delete Files ImmediatelyThis will allow you to delete files from your system without sending them to the recycle bin first.Select Start > Run… type gpedit.msc then select User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Explorer then locate the ‘Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin‘ setting and set it.Faster Start Menu AppearanceEver wondered why it takes the start menu a few seconds to appear when you click on it?To speed it up, go to Start > Run… Type regedit then navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/MenuShowDelay section and change the value from 400 to 0.Disable Unneeded Startup ServicesDisabling these services will not only make your machine a little safer, but will speed things up a bit.To disable services, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and disable the following:AlerterClipbookHuman Interface Access DevicesIndexing ServiceMessengerNet LogonNetmeeting Remote Desktop SharingRemote Desktop Help Session ManagerRemote Procedure Call LocatorRemote RegistryRouting & Remote AccessSSDP Discovery ServiceTCP/IP NetBIOS HelperTelnetUpload ManagerWindows TimeWireless Zero ConfigurationTurning Off The Welcome ScreenNavigate to the Control Panel and select User Accounts then select the option that says Change the way users log on or off.Speed Up Shared File Viewing across NetworkMachines have been known to have a bit of a delay when ever trying to view files shared across a network, due to the fact that Windows is taking the extra time to search and see if the networked computer has any Scheduled Tasks.To prevent Windows from searching for scheduled tasks on a remote computer click Start > Run… Type regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace and delete the key {D62277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}Speed Up ShutdownProcessMany times, the shutdown process takes a while due to the fact that Windows is trying to clear the Page File.To stop Windows from clearing the Page File on shutdown click Start > Run… type regedit navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ClearPageFileAtShutdown and set the value to 0.Add Your Own Folders To The Send To MenuHaving your own folders in the Send To menu can be a big help.This way, when you right click on something and select Send To you can choose to send it to your very own special folder.To do this navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\username\SendTo\ and simply add your own shortcuts to what ever folders you want to appear.Launch Any Program From The Run DialogWe’ve been running applications like regedit by going to Start > Run. Now what if we could launch any application by doing this.We can! To do so, we need to once again, go to Start > Run… and type regedit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\App Paths and1) Add a subkey of the file name you wish to use. For example, Photoshop.exe. Set the default value’s data to the full path of the application. For example, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop\Photoshop.exe.2) Create a string value named Path that contains only the path. For example, C:\Progarm Files\Adobe\Photoshop\.The above Windows XP Tips & Tricks should be used at your own risk. Have fun and keep looking for ways to improve your Windows XP operating system !!!
Windows Vista Screen Shot
Windows Vista Back Up

Windows Vista With Start Manu.
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Vineet Dwivedi.
Most of us don't make a real difference between worm, virus and Trajan Horse or refer to a worm or Trajan Horse as a virus. All of us know all are malicious programs that can cause very serious damage to PC. Exist differences among the three, and knowing those differences can help you to better protect your computer from their often damaging effects.
A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. Some viruses cause only mildly annoying effects while others can damage your hardware, software or files. Almost all viruses are attached to an executable file, which means the virus may exist on your computer but it cannot infect your computer unless you run or open the malicious program. A virus cannot be spread without a human action, (such as running an infected program) to keep it going. People continue the spread of a computer virus, mostly unknowingly, by sharing infecting files or sending e-mails with viruses as attachments in the e-mail.
A worm is a program or algorithm that replicates itself. A worm has the capability to travel without any help from a person from PC to PC and have ability to replicate itself on your system, so rather than your computer sending out a single worm, it could send out hundreds or thousands of copies of itself, creating a huge devastating effect.
A Trojan Horse is a destructive program that "working" as a benign application ( (like changing your desktop, adding silly active desktop icons) or can cause serious damage by deleting files and destroying information on your system. Trojans are also known to create a back door on your computer that gives malicious users access to your system, possibly allowing confidential or personal information to be compromised. Trojans do not reproduce by infecting other files nor do they self-replicate.
Added into the mix, we also have what is called a blended threat. Blended threats combine the characteristics of viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, and malicious code with server and Internet vulnerabilities. By using multiple methods and techniques, blended threats can rapidly spread and cause widespread damage. Characteristics of blended threats include: causes harm, propagates by multiple methods, attacks from multiple points, and exploits vulnerabilities. This combination of method and techniques means blended threats can spread quickly and cause widespread damage. Characteristics of blended threats include: causes harm, propagates by multiple methods, attacks from multiple points and exploits vulnerabilities. They are considered to be the worst risk to security since the inception of viruses, as most blended threats require no human intervention to propagate.
Therefore is very important to protect your PC with a good anti-virus software installed on your system with the latest fixes for new viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
Additionally, you want to make sure your anti-virus program has the ability to scan e-mail and files as they are downloaded from the Internet. This will help prevent malicious programs from even reaching your computer. You should also install a a system that prevents unauthorized use and access to your computer (firewall as well). A good software firewall will protect your computer from outside attempts to control or gain access your computer, and usually provides additional protection against the most common Trojan programs or e-mail worms.
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